Computer Association of SIUE - Forums

CAOS Forums => News and Commentary => Topic started by: Brad Nunnally on 2006-01-18T01:13:54-06:00 (Wednesday)

Title: CAOS Officer Election Time
Post by: Brad Nunnally on 2006-01-18T01:13:54-06:00 (Wednesday)
This Friday, Jan. 20th, at 7:00 pm CAOS will be holding a general meeting where there will be elections for current open and filled officer positions for anyone that is interested. Also, discussed will be what the plans for this semester and this year. The plans discussd will deal directly with CAOS and possible Microsoft sponsered events. If you have any desire to become an officer, or have any ideas that you would like to share I encourage you to attend this meetings. Pizza and soda will be provided so in the least you get some free grub out of the deal. Keep an eye out of our flyers are the engineering building for details on what room the meeting will be held in. If you have any questions please post them here.

Title: Re: CAOS Officer Election Time
Post by: Shaun Martin on 2006-01-18T15:05:50-06:00 (Wednesday)
This meeting is being held in the EB 1033 I'm assuming?
Title: Re: CAOS Officer Election Time
Post by: JR on 2006-01-18T20:14:10-06:00 (Wednesday)
EB 1033 7pm