Computer Association of SIUE - Forums

CAOS Forums => Lounge => Topic started by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-25T19:05:27-06:00 (Tuesday)

Title: Brain warm-up H (Hundred and Ten Meter Dash)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-25T19:05:27-06:00 (Tuesday)
Letter H is here and it is really easy.  In fact, it was to be the first of my postings until I decided to alphabetize them instead of going by a more subjective difficulty ordering. (

I am not taking down G because it is harder and only a hand full of people have figured it out, so far.

Title: Re: Brain warm-up H (Hundred and Ten Meter Dash)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-27T17:21:12-06:00 (Thursday)
I think we have a new record for number of correct answers submitted.  I will post the answer tonight at midnight (or whenever I gat a chance after that).  I will probably post J on Friday afternoon.
Title: Re: Brain warm-up H (Hundred and Ten Meter Dash)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-28T00:07:41-06:00 (Friday)
1. bill (solved: 9:58pm 1-25-2005)
2. Jonathan (solved: 10:48pm 1-25-2005)
3. dan (solved: 1:24am 1-26-2005)
4. Steve Klein (solved: 9:46am 1-26-2005)
5. tom von kercey (solved: 11:23am 1-26-2005) :-P
6. The Killer Llama (solved: 1:02pm 1-26-2005)
7. the greathoj (solved: 1:46pm 1-27-2005)

:-P = Funniest Explanation
