Computer Association of SIUE - Forums

CAOS Forums => Lounge => Topic started by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-27T00:08:51-06:00 (Thursday)

Title: Brain warm-up I (In the dark)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-27T00:08:51-06:00 (Thursday)
Puzzle 'I' requires JavaScript be turned on in your browser.  Additionally, I am still getting the hang of JavaScript and the DOM.  Thus, if your favorite browser does not display the puzzle and yet does support JavaScript, please let me know so I can try and fix the problem.  My school e-mail is rlamoni.
Title: Re: Brain warm-up I (In the dark)
Post by: Jonathan Birch on 2005-01-27T14:51:09-06:00 (Thursday)
Where did you get the idea for this puzzle?

I've seen variations on this several times, and I'm starting to wonder where it originated. Tiger Electronics produced a handheld titled "Lights Out!" a while ago that was essentially the same as this, but I doubt that was the first occurence.
Title: Re: Brain warm-up I (In the dark)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-27T17:27:49-06:00 (Thursday)
I got the problem from Dr. Yu.  He gave it as a problem for his AI students to write programs to solve, the semester I was his TA.  He (of course) had them work on boards of much greater size.  I also used this puzzle for something else that I will not mention now because it would be unfair.

The lights-out puzzle is why I chose a light-bulb graphic. .
Title: Re: Brain warm-up I (In the dark)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-30T12:49:28-06:00 (Sunday)
This has been one of my most popular puzzles, so far.  So it is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will be posting the answer on Monday along with a new puzzle that those of you who are familiar with the 8-queens problem will appreciate.

Title: Re: Brain warm-up I (In the dark)
Post by: EvilAndrew on 2005-01-31T11:44:05-06:00 (Monday)
1. bluedragon0583 (solved: 12:18am 1-27-2005) *
2. Vratha (solved: 4:39am 1-27-2005)
3. Jonathan (solved: 9:08am 1-27-2005)
4. tom von kercey (solved: 10:11am 1-27-2005)
5. Brian Glass (solved: 1:50pm 1-27-2005)
6. the greathoj (solved: 2:18pm 1-27-2005)
7. tfizzle all the way (solved: 4:47pm 1-27-2005) *
8. The Killer Llama (solved: 7:17pm 1-27-2005)
9. Josh G (solved: 9:37am 1-28-2005) *
10. Geoff Schreiber (solved: 6:19pm 1-30-2005)
11. Andy DuPlayee (solved: 9:13pm 1-30-2005)

* = Only solved the 4x4.
