Computer Association of SIUE - Forums

CAOS Forums => Lounge => Topic started by: Tyler on 2004-11-02T17:20:22-06:00 (Tuesday)

Title: What are the most important political issues (for computer nerds) of this election?
Post by: Tyler on 2004-11-02T17:20:22-06:00 (Tuesday)
Being that today is election day, and that many of us fall into a similiar demographic, I was wondering which political "computer nerd" issues may or may not have had an effect on your vote.  

In our particular field, outsourcing is most likely among the more important ideas, but I'm sure other issues exist.  Other areas may include the reinstatement of the draft (not really computer related but many of us are young males), stances on the DMCA (Kerry supposedly thinks it is too strong--changing this could SERIOUSLY effect filesharing), or even gay marriage  or abortion.
Title: Re: What are the most important political issues (for computer nerds) of this election?
Post by: Bryan on 2004-11-02T18:47:09-06:00 (Tuesday)
oh come on now if you are going to take a jap at me like that you could at least spell my name right!  :roll:

edit: in fact I think I'll make that one cost you :) this administrator privelages thing is pretty cool *evil grin*
Title: Re: What are the most important political issues (for computer nerds) of this election?
Post by: Tyler on 2004-11-02T20:11:13-06:00 (Tuesday)
Alright, no more cheap shots. lol.