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CAOS Forums => Technical Knowledge => Topic started by: William Grim on 2005-07-20T05:32:18-05:00 (Wednesday)

Title: Kernel Booter Help (IA-32 Knowledge Required)
Post by: William Grim on 2005-07-20T05:32:18-05:00 (Wednesday)
I have a technical question regarding some code of mine  at this URL (  If you untar that, go into kernel/, type 'make' and then check the hex dump of kernel/boot/boot, you will notice that the object's text segment is located at address 0x1000.  However, I need the text segment to begin at location 0x0.

When I do the placement of the 0xAA55 boot signature at location 0x510, it technically does it correctly.  It's just that it has that same problem where the original text segment is beginning at 0x1000.

I'm using GNU/binutils 2.15.

Any of you have any idea what is happening?  ANY help would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Kernel Booter Help (IA-32 Knowledge Required)
Post by: William Grim on 2005-07-20T19:49:25-05:00 (Wednesday)
Well, I figured out my problem was that ELF headers were being tagged onto the front of my binary.  I just had to modify my linking of the object so that it output a pure binary with no extra headers.