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Starting in June 2024, we enacted a plan to have CAOS members work on projects that will grow their knowledge of software engineering concepts. We plan to continue this tradition for the forseeable future.

Keep on the lookout for our member’s achievements in the future!

CAOS Website

Luke Welsh and Sydney Barnett
Summer 2024

Created from scratch using HTML/CSS/Javascript with ongoing support.

Dungeon Diver

Logan Holland
Summer 2024

Two enemies, two levels, 100 coins total. Can you collect them all? Created using Godot.

Browser Dashboard

Shayne Tieman
Summer 2024

Browser-Dashboard is a startpage that can show weather for any location in the United States, display links for websites, and search and read subreddit posts using API.

Astro Viewer

Brandon Sharp
Summer 2024

Astro Viewer is a program that provides positions of several celestial objects, their current visibility, and their future visibility for the next six hours. The program uses celestial positions and NOAA weather data to provide the user with the current and future cloud cover percentage.